Find out some of the best projects carried out for our customers

Camerons Brewery – Hartlepool, UK

Palletizing and depalletizing line for glass bottles with a 15.000 bph output

PARMALAT – Food dairy company, Collecchio (PR)

Palletizing robot (185 kg payload) equipped with pick&place head

Az. Agricola Due Vittorie – Soliera (MO), Italy

Packaging line for 6.000 bph for cooking oil and vinegar

SAN GIACOMO – Water Source, Villasor (CA)

13.000 bph water line, including fully automatic depalletizing system

FONTE ORSINI – Water source, Poggiorsini (BA)

It has been integrated a bundle palletizer into a 16.000 bph PET Line.

MOSSI 1558 – Wine company, Ziano Piacentino (PC)

COMBI 500 C packaging monoblock and STRATUS D 40 depalletizer.

PARMALAT – Food dairy company, Collecchio (PR)

Revamping on the customer’s existing robot, it has been repurposed as robotic palletizing system for products in trays

MONTECIMONE – Water source, Fanano (MO)

Bottle handling system for 25.000 bph PET line, complete with the management of the automation and wiring part.

DALFIUME – Winery, Castel San Pietro (BO)

Falcon palletizing robotic system for two lines, both boxes and crates, for max. 5.000 bph output.

MASTRI BIRRAI UMBRI – Craft Brewery, Gualdo Cattaneo (PG)

Fipal, thanks to the studies carried out, has designed a robotic palletizing unit equipping the anthropomorphic arm with a multifunction gripper that can move boxes, pallets and interlayers

GRECI – Food Industry, Ravadese (PR)

Packing system specifically designed for bag-in-box and pouch line

Aston Manor Brewery – Birmingham, UK

Palletizing and depalletizing line for beer aluminium cans for 30.000 cph output

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